Diversity Institute

Professional Development

The Diversity Institute offers the workshops listed below. Would you like to schedule a workshop for your retreat, orientation, or staff meeting? To schedule a group session for your department or organization, please email us at diversityinstitute@csuohio.edu.

Workshops Open to the Public

Professional Certificate in Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion 
Understand the multiple complexities associated with diversity dynamics in the workplace. Create the structures to advance adaptive and transformative organizational culture change. Cultivate a workplace culture that can effectively leverage its diverse talent. Support leaders in becoming sensitive to and skilled in responding to the needs of its multicultural workforce and consumer population. Each week you will study a self-directed module, then meet with your cohort members and two expert facilitators for a group discussion. Upon completion of all four modules and discussion groups, you receive a Cleveland State University Certificate in Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. Learn more and register »

CSU Faculty, Staff, and Student Workshops

Equity Champion Qualifying Workshops:

Leveraging Difference
Diversity is a reality, a tool, and a resource— but only if all people feel included. In this interactive workshop, TDI (The Diversity Institute) facilitators lead participants through activities and dialogue to share key learnings, skills, and best practices to promote diversity, inclusion, and reflect upon how our identities shape our world. Learn more and register. »

Power, Privilege and Society
We all have differences and similarities related to our identities and how they shape our world. A dynamic that is not always accounted for is the extent to which some identities are given unearned or solicited benefits and social power, while others are relegated to the margins. In this workshop, participants will reflect on their own areas of social power, learn about systems that reinforce these power structures historically and into the present day, and build skills to analyze and respond to everyday situations using an intersectional lens. Learn more and register. »

Bias in Action
Bias refers to the attitudes and beliefs we attribute to people and groups. It affects all people, and it is our responsibility to mitigate it in ourselves and our systems. Bias emerges interpersonally and systemically in the form of micro- and macro-Aggressions. In this interactive workshop, we will examine the ways in which bias and microaggressions affect our lives and relationships, learn about effects of several types of biases, and develop key skills to mitigate bias and microaggressions. Learn more and register. »

Allyship and Solidarity
As someone who is passionate about social justice, what can I do? In this workshop, we break allyship and solidarity into two primary categories: what one does to address oppression in the moment, and the contribution to ongoing social change. Participants will learn intervention techniques and will look at their own strengths and areas of influence to determine effective, personalized ways to engage in ongoing, sustainable social change. Learn more and register. »

Additional workshops offered by The Diversity Institute:

Disability & Ableism
In this 2-part workshop, we will define disability and ableism, and unpack the challenges and triumphs of this specific community in the United States. We will focus on these impacts within higher education. We will review terminology and history in service of introducing the Disability Justice (DJ) framework, recognizing how ableism shows up in our lives, and planning for how we can create a more inclusive atmosphere in higher education. Learn more and register. »