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Pittsburgh v. Cleveland: Winning in Football (Finally), Losing in Economic Development (Still). A Story Told in Graphs

Richey Piiparinen, Director of Urban Theory and Analytics at Levin, has authored a report, “Pittsburgh v. Cleveland: Winning in Football (Finally), Losing in Economic Development (Still). A Story Told in Graphs.” In the abstract, Piiparinen shares: “Since the 2000s, it’s fair to say Cleveland has had ‘Pittsburgh envy.’ This mostly meant resentment at the success of the city’s football team, the Pittsburgh Steelers. Meanwhile, in economic development circles a new envy was brewing. As Pittsburgh became the posterchild for a ‘Rust Belt renaissance,’ Cleveland, too, wanted in on the re-imaging. Was the want wishful or warranted? This brief analysis investigates.” recently included a feature about the report, “Why do Rust Belt Rivals Cleveland and Pittsburgh have Diverging Economies?” 

Photo Credit: The photo on the College homepage referring to this publication is by Jordan Faux on Unsplash.